“Charade,” directed by Stanley Donen

Movie, 1963

Lavish spy caper in part; in another part, the glimpses of a crueller brutality and corrupt world give what looks like an old-fashioned romantic thriller and uncomfortable and, at times, ill-fitting feel. Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn are their usual feel good, charming selves, although they feel a little lost and silly in a Paris which seems hemmed in and dangerous. The sumptuous cinematography and romantic locations jar against a body count, which again, draws the viewer in and gives and edgy, jangly feel. Not entirely successful, but an entertaining film nonetheless.

2 responses to ““Charade,” directed by Stanley Donen”

  1. Interesting that the climax in the stamp market was so comprehensively re-created at the beginning of Team America: World Police.


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